
Learning Intention: Today you are going to learn how to order decimals.

Key Success Criteria: # Definite the Term – Ordering Decimals

# Engage with the video (watch it several times) participate in the lesson with a whiteboard.

# Play the games       # Reflect on your learning

Ordering Numbers


The word “Decimal” really means “based on 10” (From Latin decima: a tenth part).

We sometimes say “decimal” when we mean anything to do with our numbering system, but a “Decimal Number” usually means there is a Decimal Point.

We can think of a decimal number as a whole number plus tenths, hundredths, etc:

Example 1: What is 2.3 ?

  • On the left side is “2”, that is the whole number part.
  • The 3 is in the “tenths” position, meaning “3 tenths”, or 3/10
  • So, 2.3 is “2 and 3 tenths”

Example 2: What is 13.76 ?

  • On the left side is “13”, that is the whole number part.
  • There are two digits on the right side, the 7 is in the “tenths” position, and the 6 is the “hundredths” position
  • So, 13.76 is “13 and 7 tenths and 6 hundredths”

Ordering Decimals


Could you imagine a decimal such as 0.6 represented in other ways? Try it and see.

We’ll give you a decimal. You then adjust two other things – either of which could be a dial, pie chart, number line, fraction, grid (array) or counting frame – to match it.

Level 1 Ordering Decimals

Level 2 Decimal Ordering Game

Level 3 Decimals Quiz


54 thoughts on “Decimals

  1. DeciMarster was really fun and it helped my understand decimals much more this is the way I learn decimals.

  2. Level 2 was much better for my understanding but was not explaining much and also wasn’t really interesting.

  3. The quiz was hard, fun but really helped me understand decimals even though it was the hardest.

  4. I believe the decimal quiz was the best game out of all of these games. I am strongly convinced that it was the best because it was the game that helped me the most. With the other games they didn’t make any sense at all I didn’t understand how these games would help me. The decimal quiz was also the most fun and it is a good game for ages the vary.

  5. Reflection-
    I have learned how to number decimals points in ascending and descending order. I now know that if for example, there is a decimal point 0.405 and there is a decimal 0.045 the first one is larger because it has a tenth and the second one doesn’t which means the first one is the greatest because the ten has the most value.

  6. I learnt how to order complicated-looking decimals from smallest to largest and from largest to smallest. When the man in the video explained it, it sounded easier because their were such long decimals like 0.0790! But once I understood the video, the whole thing made sense.

  7. Reflection

    I have learnt from whatching the video that ordering decimals is easier than it looks.

    How you order decimals is:
    You have to work from in front of the decimal which is the ones then after that you have to check the tenths then the hundreds then the thousandths then then

    I am ordering these numbers:
    0.0709, 0.07, 0.0097

    Ordered from least to greatest:
    0.0097, 0.07, 0.0709

  8. I believe that the decimal quiz was the best game out of all of these games provided. I am strongly convinced it was the most fun way to learn your decimals. It is a great game for ages that vary. I am convinced that it is the only way to learn your decimals properly.


  9. I believe that the decimal quiz game was the best because it is an easy watch to learn decimals in a test.

  10. I liked decimaster because it was like doing fractions and I love fractions. also it was fun!!!

  11. I didn’t know about:
    1) If there was 0.0 I didn’t know what to do
    2) that decimals had hundrends and thousands

    Thanks Ms Johnson

  12. I learnt descending and ascinding order thank you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻📚📚📚📚👍🏻

  13. The first game on level one was a bit hard because it didn’t explain anything about how to do it.

    The second game was hard because it didn’t say to do descending or ascending order but that is the only reason why it was hard.

    I really liked the third game because it was fun and tests are never fun but I really liked it.

  14. Reaflection

    I have had a lot of knolage with this maybe to much that I got confused between all of it but this video helped me and now I can do much better with these questions such as 1.05 is bigger than 1.046.

  15. I thought that game 1 was good but a bit too easy and game 2 I didn’t exactly get it I didn’t know what to do the set out was bad.
    I loved game 3 and on the first time I tried it I didn’t get it correct and on my second I did and from then on I got them correct.

  16. I learned how to order decimals by recording notes on my whiteboard. I learned that the biggest decimals are actual the smallest, its complete switched around!😝

  17. Reflection

    I kind of got it but I didn’t really like th way he said “I think I have order them correctly because it could be teaching us the wrong thing and that won’t help us on Thursday. Other wise I under stand it.

  18. I liked DeciMaster and I was a decimaster! The other three games were a bit hard and I didn’t enjoy them as much

  19. I didn’t know that the smallest number could be anywhere because I always put it at the start.

  20. With Ms Johnson the video helped me understand the tenths and hundredths after the decimal.

  21. Reflection

    I liked the third game which was the decimal quiz. I liked it because it was fun and when it said the correct answer it showed you a specific diagram on where the place values are. The first game didn’t really make sense when I was ordering them because when I put them how the man in the ordering decimal video did and the game said that it was incorrect.

  22. Reflection; )
    I really liked the decimal quiz and the ordering decimals level one games because the quiz was fun and easy but the level one game was always saying the answer was wrong!

  23. reflection on games

    the first game when I did it before lunch I really had no clue about how to order decimals then when we came in after lunch and started watching the KHAN academy video I started to learn on how to work out ordering decimals then I started playing the games then it got much easier getting more information in ordering decimals.
    the level one game was really easy so I decided to play the level two game it was easy as well and really fun to play the level three quiz game was also easy but I got a bit mixed up with the place value of some numbers I got two wrong because I go mixed up I ended up with a score of 8 out of 10

  24. I think L3 was easy I got 6 out of the 7 I did but either L2 was hard or I didn’t understand it correctly.

  25. Reflection

    I learned that the more numbers doesn’t mean anything it is the place value that does every thing.

  26. the games helped me have a stronger understanding on ordering decimals. they are also very fun and some of them are a bit of fun!

  27. Today I learnt that when ordering decimals you must keep going right and you must consider every number.

  28. I learnt that many more numbers doesn’t mean that it is bigger for example 0.4 or 0.0452 the number with the most numbers in this case is the smallest.

  29. ordering decimals
    I enjoyed it because it really made you interact in it and over all it was really fun.
    I understood the concept because Caden told me how to move on because he played it at home.

  30. During this lesson I revised on how to order decimal numbers in ascending order. I also gained a better understanding of the definitions of ascending and descending.

  31. I learnt that the more numbers doesn’t mean it is bigger and check every single number, check the number in front of the decimal point.😜

  32. Reflection↓

    I learned that just because something has more numbers than something else doesn’t mean it’s larger. ☆☆☆

  33. I learnt that even though there are more numbers in front of a number doesn’t mean that it is the
    largest number.

  34. The first game will help you more and I having more fun. It help us how to make the decimal number from lowest to biggest.

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