Health – Respecting Others

Learning Intention

We are learning how to treat others with respect.

Success Criteria 

You will know you’ve been successful when you can:

# Explain how you show respect to your peers and adults.

Watch the videos.

Complete the questions – blog comments.

  1. How do you show respect with other children?

2. How do you show respect to adults?

6 thoughts on “Health – Respecting Others

  1. 1. How do you show respect with other children?
    Do what they want or Suggest.

    2. How do you show respect to adults?
    Listen to them.

  2. 1) how I show respect for kids I speak to them nicely to them and have fun with them.

    2) how I pay my respect to adults is when they ask me to do something I always do it because I need to respect them and what they are asking me to do it I should and when they are having a hard time I always help them if I can.

  3. You listen to them even though you don’t really care what they are talking about.

    You treat them how you want to be treated you do what you’re told.

  4. Do you listen to them even though you don’t really care what they are talking about.

    You treat them how you would like to be treated

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