Informative Writing Part 2

Learning Intention

We will identify the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Success Criteria

You will know you have been successful when you can:

# Identify the difference between fact and opinion.


Watch the video – Fact & Opinion

Complete the task – distinguishing between fact and opinion.

Go to Showbie – Writing – Milkshake Mania

4 thoughts on “Informative Writing Part 2

  1. Facts are different to opinions because facts are things that are true example a pear is a fact or opinion it’s a fact .

    Opinion are things that you think are and opinion can’t be proven true example bordgames are so fun but someone who doesn’t like bordgames can say I don’t like bordgames .

  2. A fact is all ways true
    A opinion is like this l think cats are the best but that is not all ways true

  3. I have just learnt the difference between fact and opinion

    A fact is something that will always be true
    Example: The sun is hot

    A opinion is something that someone believes
    Example: Dogs are the best pet

  4. # Identify the difference between fact and opinion.
    A fact is something that can be proven and researched.
    A opinion is what you feel and not what other people think.

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