
Learning Intention

We are learning about division with remainders.

Success Criteria

You will know you have been successful when you can:

# Identify the answer and remainder to a division problem.

#Solve division problems (with a remainder) 75% accuracy


  1. Watch the Powerpoint Presentation for division with remainders.


2) Working with the teacher (whiteboard)

Division with remainders

3) Online division problems to work out.

Division with remainders – online

4) Independent Practise

Independent Practise – Division



  1. Watch the video first.
  2. Use whiteboard and do same video with teacher.
  3. Have a go at doing one of the division problems.

Division with multi-digits

Dividing with Multiple Digits

Long Division with Remainders


Write in the comments section what you learnt in maths today.


4 thoughts on “Division

  1. Today I learnt remainder in division. You have to put the little r which means remainders and remainder means leftover.

  2. Today I got a lot better with long division. I also learnt that you have to put a lowercase r so you know that one is the remainder

  3. I got a lot better at long division. I also learnt that you have to put a lowercase r so you know that one is the remainder

  4. I got a lot better at long division. I also learnt that you have to put a lowercase r so you know that one is the remainder.

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