Harmony Day (Yr4-6)

Learning Intention:

We are learning about Harmony Day.

Success Criteria:

You will know you have been successful when you can:

# Give a description of  when and why we have Harmony Day.

# Identify the colour that represents Harmony Day.

#Explain the term ‘Multicultural’ and how it relates to you and Australia.


Facts about Harmony Day

Harmony Day Website – children speaking

Complete the tasks in Showbie – GPA2 -Harmony Day



8 thoughts on “Harmony Day (Yr4-6)

  1. # Give a description of when and why we have Harmony Day.
    We celebrate Harmony Day on 21 March. Harmony day is celebrated for us to understand other people who live in Australia with different cultures, and treat each other equal.

  2. # Give a description of when and why we have Harmony Day.
    We celebrate Harmony Day on 21 March. Harmony day is celebrated for us to understand other people who live in Australia with different cultures, and treat each other equal.

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