States of Matter


Learning Intention

We are learning about the states of matter.

Success Criteria

You will know you’ve been successful when you can:

# Identify the three states of matter.

# Identify the properties of the matter.



  1. Watch the powerpoint on matter.
  2. States of Matter

3) Using ClassDojo (portfolios) draw or show (however you can) what the states of matter actually look like and identify their properties.

4) In the comments below write five facts you have learned about the states of matter.

5) Quiz on the states of matter

5) Extension Task – are there any other types of ‘states of matter’ that we haven’t discussed. Please explain your answer.


2 thoughts on “States of Matter

  1. In the comments below write five facts you have learned about the states of matter.
    1) nitrogen is a gas.
    2) what water molecules and atoms look like they look like that.
    3) Ice molecules and atoms are close together.
    4) Water has no fixed shape.
    5) Yes has no fixed shape.

  2. 1. Ice is close together.
    2. water is there is apart.
    3. gas is really far apart
    4. nitrogen is a gas
    5. what water and gas and solid molecules and atoms look like.

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