
Learning Intention

We are learning to interpret and compare a variety of data  displays.

Success Criteria

You will know you have been successful when you can:

#Identify the difference (95% accuracy)  between Qualitative and Quantitative data.

# Find the mean, median and mode with 95% accuracy.



Data – Quiz


Image result for mean median mode

Mean, Median and Mode

 Lesson (mean, median & mode)

Mean, Median and Mode – Quiz

ConCensus Task

13 thoughts on “Data

  1. I need help with finding the mean, median and mode, and to identify the difference between qualitative and quantitative data.

  2. # find the mean, median & mode with 95% accuracy
    Yes, but only with around 80% accuracy

    # find the difference between qualitative & quantitative data with 95% accuracy
    I will definitely need help with that, even through I do know a little bit about what it is.

  3. I need to work on identifying the difference (95% accuracy) between Qualitative and Quantitative data and find the mean, median and mode with 95% accuracy.

  4. I don’t know how to identify the difference (95% accuracy) between Qualitive and Quantitative data. I don’t know find the mean, median and mode with 95% accuracy.

  5. I do not have an understanding on how to
    #Identify the difference (95% accuracy) between Qualitative and Quantitative data.
    and how to
    # Find the mean, median and mode with 95% accuracy.

  6. I need to work on Indentifying the difference (95% accuracy) between Qualitative and Quantitative data.
    I can find the mean, median and mode with 95% accuracy but I will need to revise what their meanings are.


  7. What I know:
    I know how to count data and data is the amount of one thing.

    What I need to learn:
    I need to learn Mean, Median, Mode and Range. Also Quallitative, Quantitative, Discrete and Continuous.

  8. I can identify mean and medium with about 70%.

    I can also identify data with 95%.

    I need to learn mode and range I kindoff have a understanding of mode but not with a 90% accuracy.

  9. Abs

    I can Find the mean, median and mode with ninety five percent accuracy, but i’m not sure what Qualitative and Quantitative, i’m sure I may know what they are, I just forgot the proper wor’d for it.

  10. I have learnt hiw to identify the difference (95% accuracy) between Qualitative and Quantitative data, I can also find the mean and mode with 95% accuracy.
    I still need to do some work on finding the median

  11. What I have learnt:
    I know how to calculate data and know how what mean median and mode are.

    What I’m still working towards:
    I just need a little bit of help with quantitative, qualitative, discrete and continuous cause I don’t quite get it yet.

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