
Learning Intention:

Today you are going to explore using tone whilst reading poetry.


Key Success Criteria: 

#Try you best – rotations voice 

# Extend your vocabulary (learn new words)

# Read poetry out loud

# Explain how your tone of voice can tell how you are feeling

Poetry Task

How does your voice express  emotion?

What happens when you express emotion whilst reading a poem?

Meet Ken Nesbitt –

About Kenn Nesbitt

Poetry Podcast – listen to poetry written by Kenn Nesbitt

21 thoughts on “Poetry

  1. It has a effect on the reader because if they feel emotional it has a much higher effect.

  2. well when I am happy my voice is sort of a high and low pitched voice and when I am feeling sad the tears make it in to a sob and not interested to do what I’m told

  3. I liked the poetry podcast and the poetry task I loved them they helped me learn and were fun.

  4. I liked the poetry task because the poems were good and it is a good way to learn poetry also the questions were fun and complex.

  5. I think the poetry game was quite fun, it improved my understanding of reading poems and helped me gain knowledge of different phrases in English.

  6. 1. your voice expresses emotion because when you are happy your voice is all excited.

  7. Halloween is nearly here
    I thought that the way his tone of voice was very strong and it really suited when it was needed in the text. it was really funny at the end.

  8. How does your voice express emotion?
    1. When you’re happy you want to let it out and I do that by singing.

    What happens when you express emotion whilst reading a poem?
    2. People can hear you and feel the same way you do and if it’s a happy poem you would start singing in a happy way but if it’s a sad poem you might start mumbling and crying.

    Tayla and I worked together on this activity.

  9. I liked My invisible dragon, I didn’t go camping, My mother said to do my chores, Xbox Xbox and My kitten won’t stop talking because they just made me laugh although the last line was defiantly the funniest the whole poem was to.

  10. Kenn Nesbitt was born on the 20th of February, 1962 in Berkeley, California. He grew up in Fresno and San Diego, California.

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