Dojo Mindset

I can’t do it yet!

In Episode 3, “The Big Show,” Katie learns that it’s okay to not be the best, as long as she’s working hard to improve!

How does it feel to escape the dip? Can you have more than one dip?

2)  Often we want to be the best at what we are doing! Instead of comparing our success with others, what kind of attitude can we have?

3 ) In the video, Mojomus Edison says that failing is “learning new ways to improve.” What does that mean?

4) Apply this new knowledge to your learning – give an example of ‘learning new ways to learn in 5J’.

50 thoughts on “Dojo Mindset

  1. 1) it feels really good, like escaping a trap that you’ve been in for half your life! You can also have more than one dip that’s true.

  2. 1) when you escape the dip it feels amazing to finally be out! You can most definitely have more than one dip. You mush just have climbed out of one and then fall back into another.
    2) we can go around and ask others to share their work and success with us.
    3) it means that when you fail you are learning new ways to improve on your work. For example you could be drawing a picture and make a mistake you can’t improve or get better. It is a good thing to make mistakes.
    4) in 5J we can learn differently by using our blogs or getting into small groups and discussing our ideas and thoughts.

  3. 1} it feels great when you get out of the dip. Yes you can have more than one dip also you could have more than one dip at the one time.
    2} well you could feel happy or sad and sometimes you can feel both at the same time.
    3} it means that if you fail at something you can improve on it and get better at what you want to do.
    4} we could play videos of all of the things we are learning and that might get people’s attention more and the might learn more.

  4. 1. It feels really good and yes you can have more than one dip.
    2. Ask for help from other people who you think have done a good job.
    3. Next time you can know what to do and ask for more learning ideas to improve.
    4. In writing we got ideas from you to improve and edited our work.

  5. 2 instead we can have a helping attitude you can help others while they can help you I’d doesn’t matter if you need to be the best just have fun

  6. 1) it will feel good, yes
    2) still be happy
    3)every time you fail you will learn
    4) out side learning

  7. 2) You would say: ” It’s okay. I can do better next time.” And keep trying with all your might.

  8. 1) it feels good to excape the dip, you can have more than one dip.
    2) ignorant, jealous and rou

  9. Q1.How does it feel to escape the dip? Can you have more than one dip?
    A1) it feels amazing and you should so proud of yourself, yes you can have more than one dip

    Q2. Often we want to be the best at what we are doing! Instead of comparing our success with others, what kind of attitude can we have?
    A2) a great attitude

  10. 1) It’s feels great to escape the dip and you feel relieved, yes you can have more than one dip.
    2) Confident, uncaring if you lose
    3) It means that you learn from your mistakes

  11. 1) it feels good to escape the dip and you can have way more than one dip.
    2) you don’t compare with others you compare with yourself to see if you improved.
    3) when you fail don’t take it as a bad thing.
    4) we could do things in a different order like English skills in the afternoon.

  12. 1) it will feel good, yes
    2) still be happy
    3)every time you fail you will learn
    4) out side learning

  13. Q3) In the video, Mojomus Edison says that failing is “learning new ways to improve.” What does that mean?

    A3) when you get something wrong keep trying to improve what your doing to make it better and to complete it

    Q4) Apply this new knowledge to your learning – give an example of ‘learning new ways to learn in 5J’.

    A4) we could use more of the apps on the iPad like the app called ( learning tools ) to help you know when we need help with what we are learning

  14. It means that you can inprove on what you are failing at but in the end you come of second best or the best at what you where failing at.

  15. To escape the dip, you feel so happy and achieved. It is to feel like you have been handed a million and one good vibes.

  16. 3) It means when you fail you know how to do better because you already know your mistake and you understand and think on how you can make it better and improve. It is sometimes good to fail because you then always have a chance to improve on what you’ve failed.

  17. 1) When you escape the dip it feels amazing because you that you have improved. You can have more then one dip otherwise you won’t learn anything.
    2) I can’t do it yet even though other people can but I am doing the best of abilities and that’s all that matters.
    3) It means that when you fail you know that, that way doesn’t work so immediately your brain knows don’t use that way so you have just improved.
    4) We use iPads and get into groups also we don’t have to stay at our desk so we can be in a comfortable and a happy environment.

  18. 1) Yes you can have more than one dip
    2) Goud attitude. I will try again.
    3) You’ll be better at it every time you try again.
    4) Don’t stop trying.

  19. 1) it will feel good, yes😊
    2) still be happy😄
    3)every time you fail you will learn😔🙂
    4) out side learning🏠📚📚

  20. 1)great
    3)really good attitude
    4)something that’s trying to go ohh that doesn’t work
    5)keep on improving

  21. 1) It feels very good to escape the dip because it is like pressure is taken off your shoulders. And you can have more than one dip
    2) we want to be the best all the time at everything up you can’t because it might be another person’s talent. Instead of comparing with others compare with your self and have a good attitude when you don’t get something right because you are actually improving
    3) failing is learning new ways to improve it means that if you reflect you can get better or if Mojomus Edison would say it your neurons connect and you get better
    4) an example of the way that 5j can learn is do more posters so if we are stuck on something we can look at the posters and get the information that we need.😀

  22. Yes you can have more then one dip. For example you can have a dip in school and out of school.

  23. 1) yes you can have more than one dip, you feel so proud of yourself and you feel happy.
    2) we can have a happy attitude and be proud of that person.
    3) it means when you make a mistake, you can reflect on you mistake and learn new ways to improve.
    4) when i make a mistake in art i can rub it out and try again and i will get better at art.

  24. 1)How can you escape the dip? Can you have more then one dip?
    1) You can escape the dip by practising and failing because when you fail you learn. Yes you can have more then one dip.

    2) Often we want to be the best at everything were doing! Instead of comparing our success with others, what kind of attitude should you have?
    2) Yes often we do want to be the best at every thing, we should have a positive outcome no matter what so we should be happy.

    3) In the video Mojomus Eddison says that failing is “learning new ways to improve”. What does that mean?
    3) ‘Learning new ways to improve’, means that by failing at something you find ways to improve in the future.

    4) Apply this new knowledg to your learning- give an example of ‘learning new ways to learn in 5J
    4) Learning new ways in 5J would be trying new things and failing so you learn off of mistakes.

  25. 1) It doesn’t feel good at all it feels GREAT
    2) An annoyed and salty attitude and you feel like your the worst
    3) When you ‘fail’ your leaning because you know not to do that again therefore improving
    4) By using our blogs so people can give us feedback and just our iPads in general

  26. 4) We learn new ways to learn because we ALWAYS (and I mean ALWAYS) move around the classroom each time we do some work maybe in groups or in pairs or in triples or in quadruples or even by ourselves. It really helps us to learn at the same time as having a lot of fun!

  27. You can have 1000 dips either if it’s a life long dip to just a symple 1 second dip but the importaint thing is to improve.

    Oh I at least came in a good place and that you can improve next time whether it a conset or just a painting class.

    If you fail you can retry and maby you can come in a better spot but it was just invented for fun but people make you intence that you can be better but it would be worse if it made you a disapointment to them.
    On the weekend I did a boys brigaid fun run out of 40 people with 2 friends and they expected me to come 1st but I came 3rd. I am not saying its bad but its just an example

    Say we were doing a test that was maths and you were usally the best but you got to this page of questions that said somethig named long divition and you had never heard of it and you got a B- but you wanted a A+.

  28. 1. Rewarding and amazing, yes

    2. A bad one: annoyed, stubborn, ignorant and rude, you just shut yourself down and don’t listen to anyone or anything, or a good one: asking people about what they think of your work and how they think you could improve, also known as asking for feedback.

    3. It means you can work out what you did wrong, so you know what not to do again, my mum says that ‘You can’t learn how to ride a horse without falling off.’

    4. Your feedback on our writing.

  29. 1. you can escap the dip you have to if you want to succeed and it feel great when you get out of the dip because you won’t be stressed out any more. You can get in the dip more then twice for example your making something and you do something wrong and you get stressed out trying to fix it so you in the dip

    2. We can have a good attitude because we can improve on our mistakes and not compare or self to other cause that not us a that them

    3) you can Learn from your mistakes

    4) a new way to learn for my is though art


  30. 1} It is the best feeling ever and you can have more than one dip and you could possibly have two or three at the one time.
    2} We can ask our friends for help and if you do have trouble all you have to do is reflect on our work.
    3} It means that if you fail at something you can only improve and reflect on that just like with noun phrases.
    4} Well last year I was in an I pad class and a normal class and when I was in the I pad class it was still different because we didn’t have this much technology and we didn’t have videos to learn, and with the normal class, well we didn’t have I pads which means we had to use pencil and paper which bi don’t like as much as using the I pads.

    ohh yeah I almost forgot #love the videos!!!!!!!!!:)

  31. We can get advice and the attitude you need it to be positive and never negative. Don’t think about how Bella’s or some one else’s work might be better then yours you have to just make use you are doing your best and not having to worry about not bewigged the best in the clas because nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement.

  32. 1)It feels really good and like you just escaped from something that was major important. Yes you can have over one dip because you could be stuck in the dip for art like Katie and also for another subject like maths or science.

    2)Instead of comparing on other peoples work and thinking that yours is put to shame you should compare your work to your old work and look on the aspects like how you improved and you could also look on how you could improve by checking some old work that you really liked.

    3)It means that even if you think you failed one thousand times it just means that you are learning new things every time because the amount of times that you have tried you have not given up.

    4)In 5J everyday we learn in new ways like at any desk,on the floor,in partners and even in groups. This makes it more fun and easier to learn because we are finding out new things all the time.

  33. 1) Fun and proud of yourself cause you have succeeded in you challenge that you have faced even when it might get scary. You definitely can have more then one dip you can’t just have on scary moment in your life you will have hundreds.

    2) We can have a good attitude to learning and don’t care if we get 1st 2nd or 5th cause mistakes are apart of learning and its not just our life we are in think about the other people in the competition if it is.

    3) It means if we make mistakes we can look back on what we did wrong and we can try to improve our work.

    4) Rotations and blended learning and not just writing out a word a hundred and fifty times you combined work with what we love like art.

  34. 1) You should feeling very happy,and ready to escape the dip,if you fail in the time,don’t worry. Just because you can improve and find the answer when you was making a mistake.

    2) Asking for help with other people. You can use their idea so you can improve your work.

    3) It means that when you failed you can find why is failed and that can help you improve next time.

    4) Learning more things from the lesson and blog

  35. 1) you feel like you’ve improved by how you were in the dip and you will get in the dip a lot from that day onwards. “YES”.
    2) you should have a positive attitude and try your hardest because if you do everything perfect something is wrong because making mistakes improves your learning.
    3) you improve by failing, if you don’t get something right you will probably feel bad but that’s how you improve.
    4) in 5J we may make a lot of mistakes but we never ever give up.

  36. 1) you become happy and yes
    2) happy for the other person
    3) when you fail you improve on what you failed at

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