Quiz of the Week

Did you know?

The bags of the first bagpipes were usually made from sheep or goat skin and the pipes were made from bone or ivory.

Internet Challenges

– Find out what modern bagpipes are usually made from.

– Find a website which plays the sound of the bagpipes.

– Name two different types of bagpipes.


1. Write three thousand, nine hundred and forty-five using digits.

2. The terrapin is a type of turtle. True or false?

3. A sultana is a dried what?

4. The world Wide … was invented in 1989.

5. Write the verb in the sentence below.

‘She went on holiday.’

6. In which sport do you try to get a ‘hole-in-one’?

7. Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers all need e… to run.

8. What computer software did Bill Gates found?

9. A …aid is worn by some hearing-impaired people.

10. What does the word ‘oui’ mean in French?

a) Thank you b)no c)yes

11. Which country are the bagpipes most often associated with?

12. A pond is a small lake. True of false?

13. Who wrote Oliver Twist?

14. What is the epidermis an outer layer of?

15. The Alps is a mountain range found in E…

120 thoughts on “Quiz of the Week

  1. Quiz of the week.

    1) 3945
    2) False
    3) Grape
    4) Web
    5) Holiday
    6) Golf
    7) Energy
    8) Windows
    9) Hearing aid
    10) Yes
    12) True
    13) Kay Walsh, David Lean, Eric Ambler and Stanley Hayes
    14) Layers of the skin
    15) Europe

  2. 10) It means no
    P.S. I dont speak French (I speak Italian (I dont speak Italian im just trying to sound smart))

  3. 10) It means no
    P.S. I dont speak French (I speak Italian (I dont speak Italian im just trying to sound smart))!

  4. Internet challenge-
    Find out what modern bagpipes are usually made from.-
    Today, antlers from elk and moose are commonly used as is imitation ivory. Celluloid is an early manmade material that can be carved for decoration, but plastics can be generally worked now.

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