Author Study

1) Who is your favourite author and why?

2) List the books they have written.

3) What is a simile? Give an example.

4) What is a metaphor? Give an example.

5) What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.

(Clue: located on the whiteboard)

100 thoughts on “Author Study

  1. 3) Simile: A simile is a way of explaining something in more detail or comparing it with something else using as or like. e.g.
    The cat sprinted down the street like a rocket.

  2. 4) Metaphore: It is a figure of speech saying that one thing is another but not literally is that thing. e.g.
    The bird is a jet.

  3. 5) Onomatopoeia: Imitating a real sound made by an animal or thing to represent its noise. e.g.
    The car fell with a loud CRASH!

  4. 2)Norman does nothing,
    Danny best ,
    haggis mcgregor and the night of the skull moon,
    Quincy Jordan ,
    truly tan jinxed ,
    roomy bright,
    tensy farlow and the home for mislead children ,
    truly tan freaked,
    the accidently princess,
    Spooked truly tan ,
    The fourteenth summer of angus jack,
    Truly tan
    My fairy special birthday book
    Quilt lovely
    Crystal bay girls
    Bright lights
    Stop second guessing yourself
    The dirty mermaid

  5. 3) a smilie is when two words are compared using like or as
    E.G. Georgia is like a Lion! Katie is as sporty as me!

  6. 4) a metaphor is a figure of speech saying one thing is another but us lay used as a saying E.G the girl is a Cheater.

  7. 5) onomatopoeia is the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.
    E.G slam, splash, bam, babble, warble, gurgle, mumble, and belch.

  8. 1) R.L.STINE, he writes Goosebumps books. I find them good to read. They have a lot of books they have written. The books are scary but some aren’t those. When I read them it makes me want to read more and more, they find a way to make a cliff hanger at the end of each Character.

  9. 3.) A phrase that compares one word with another using like or as.
    E.g: The bird flew like the wind.
    He is as sweet as honey.

  10. 1) Who is your favourite author and why?
    My favourite author is Andy Griffiths because he writes about different types of book with his best friend and also the illustrater Terry Deton. he writes in depth and houmor for kids..

  11. 1) Suzanne Collins, she is famous for allot of books but mostly the hunger games were here greatest, it is about people separated Ito districts and each year they go into the hunger games and try and survive…..

  12. 2) He has written a lot of books, just to name a few are: The Cukoo Clock of doom, Welcome to dead house, Say cheese and die, Night of the living dummy and more

  13. 1. Who is your favourite author and why?

    My favourite author is Jeff Kinney because in his series ” Diary of a Wimpy Kid” he writes from a very interesting point of view.

    I have also read all of his books many many times because it is one of the books that you can read over and never get bored of.

  14. 4.) A metaphor is saying that one thing is another thing, but not literally.
    E.g: The boy is a talking robot.

  15. 5.) Onomatopeia is a word that is like the sound it refers to.
    E.g The sausages sizzled on the grill.

  16. 2) List the books they have written.
    – Just Tricking
    – Just Annoying
    – Just Stupid
    – Just Crazy
    – Just disgusting
    – Just Shocking
    – Just Mcbeath
    – Just Doomed
    – The Bad Book
    – The Very Bad Book
    – The Cat on the mat is Flat
    – The big fat Cow that goes Kapow
    – What Bumosaur is That?
    – What body part is That?
    – The 13 story treehouse
    – The 26 story treehouse
    – The 39 story treehouse
    – The 52 story treehouse
    – The 65 story treehouse
    – Once apon a slime : 45 fun ways to get writting… Fast

  17. 1) Who is your favourite author?
    Jeff Kinney

    2) Diary of a wimpy kid
    Diary of a wimpy kid, the last straw
    Diary of a wimpy kid, The long haul
    Diary of a wimpy kid,hard luck
    Diary of a wimpy kid,the third wheel
    Diary of a wimpy kid,the ugly truth
    Diary of a wimpy kid,do it yourself
    Diary of a wimpy kid, movie diary
    Diary of a wimpy kid,dog days
    Diary of a wimpy kid,rodrick rules
    Diary of a wimpy kid,Cain fever
    Diary of a wimpy kid,old school

    3) What is a simile? Give an example.
    A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in “she is like a rose.”.

    4) What is a metaphor? Give an example.
    A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our God.”.

    5) I really enjoy reading Jeff kidneys books because they are very interesting and you can read them over And over again,it also is set in America so you do get to learn about how school are ran in America,and maybe how life would be if you lived there.
    My favourite sires is ” Diary of a wimpy kid”

  18. 2. List all the books they have written
    Diary of a wimpy kid
    Diary of a wimpy kid Dog Days
    – Do it Yourself
    – The Ugly Truth
    – The last straw
    – Cabin Fever
    – The third wheel
    – Rodrick rules

  19. 1) J.K.Rowling, she is the author of the Harry Potter series, she puts so much detail in her books and she has a great imagination, and I can put myself in her stories

  20. 4) What is a metaphor? Give an example.
    A comparision is in witch on thing can be said to another
    For example : She is a walking Dictionary

  21. 5) What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.
    onomatopeia is the use of word that imatate the sounds associated with the objects or action they refer to. For example : Clank,Splash, pow ect.

  22. 3. A simile is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else, often using the word “like” or “as.” For example, “The clouds were like ice cream castles in the sky” or “he was as brave as a lion”

  23. 4. What is a metaphor? Give an example.
    A metaphor is a way of describing something by equating it with something else. For example, the metaphor, “Freddie is a pig when he eats,”

  24. The books J.K. Rowling has made:

    Harry potter series:

    the philosophers stone
    the chamber of secrets
    the prizoner of azcaban
    the goblet of fire
    the half blood prince
    the order of the phoenix
    the deathly hallows part 1
    the deathly hallows part 2

    fantastic beasts and were to find them
    the tales of beetle the bard
    quidditch throughout the ages
    the casual vacancy

    there are alot more but they are just the most popular ones

  25. A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.

    eg: she was as fast as a cheeter

  26. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

    eg: she is a human bumble bee

  27. The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.

    eg: crash, bam, pow, click, thud, splash

  28. 1) RL.Stine
    2) Goosebumps
    Welcome To Dead House
    Stay Out Of The Basement
    Monster Blood
    Attack of the Jack-o-Lanterns

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