Quiz of the Week

Did you know?

In the 14th century, the bubonic plaque, or ‘black death’, killed more than one-third of the entire population of Europe.


1) How many seconds are there in one hour?

360, 600, 3600 or 6000

2) A beaver’s home is called a l…..?

3) What is the basic ingredient of an omelette?

4) In what year did a human walk on the moon for the first time?

5) Unjumble the word, ending in ‘ness’


6) Which is bigger?

The African or Asian elephant?

7) In what sport does a loser get ‘pinned’?

8) Do these rectangles have the same perimeter?

12m x 4m ย and 13m x 3m


9) What did Laszlo and Georg Biro create?

10) Which is not a type of flowering plant?

a) protea ย b) begonia ย  c) sequoia ย  d) fuchsia

Challenge Questions:

C1) Find out what symptoms a person with bubonic plague will have.

C2) What did people do to try to prevent getting bubonic plague in the 14th century?

C3) Find out if the bubonic plague is still a problem today?

139 thoughts on “Quiz of the Week

  1. 2) Lodge
    3) Egg
    4) 1969
    5) Happiness
    6) African Elephant
    7) wrestling
    8) Yes
    9) The first ball point pen
    10) c) sequoia

  2. C2) What did people do to try to prevent getting bubonic plaque in the 14th century?
    There was nothing ther could do they gets died off.

  3. C1) Cough, sneezes, headaches and weekness
    C2) By carrying sweet smelling flowers and herbs
    C3) No

  4. C1)Bubonic plague symptoms appear suddenly, usually after 2-5 days of exposure to the bacteria


  5. C3) Find out of the bubonic plague is still a problem today?

    Yes the biologic plague is still with us today but our modern day sewers keep it to a minimum.

  6. 1) 6000 seconds

    2) Lodges

    3) Egg

    4) 1969

    5) Happiness

    6) African

    7) boxing

    8) yes

    9) ball point pen

    10) sequoia

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