Quiz of the Week

Did you know?

In the 14th century, the bubonic plaque, or ‘black death’, killed more than one-third of the entire population of Europe.


1) How many seconds are there in one hour?

360, 600, 3600 or 6000

2) A beaver’s home is called a l…..?

3) What is the basic ingredient of an omelette?

4) In what year did a human walk on the moon for the first time?

5) Unjumble the word, ending in ‘ness’


6) Which is bigger?

The African or Asian elephant?

7) In what sport does a loser get ‘pinned’?

8) Do these rectangles have the same perimeter?

12m x 4m  and 13m x 3m


9) What did Laszlo and Georg Biro create?

10) Which is not a type of flowering plant?

a) protea  b) begonia   c) sequoia   d) fuchsia

Challenge Questions:

C1) Find out what symptoms a person with bubonic plague will have.

C2) What did people do to try to prevent getting bubonic plague in the 14th century?

C3) Find out if the bubonic plague is still a problem today?

139 thoughts on “Quiz of the Week

  1. c1)affects the lymphatic system, causing painful, enlarged lymph nodes known as buboes. Accompanying symptoms include weakness, fever, headache and chills. These flu-like symptoms typically develop within three to seven days of exposure to bubonic plague bacteria. According to MedicineNet.com, if left untreated, the infection may spread from the lymph nodes to other areas of the body.

  2. Challenge question 1 now the bubonic plague affect the lymph nodes which turn causes chills weakness headache fever swollen tender lymph glands

  3. c2 they did nothing but there were semi doctors called the Plague doctors which wore a crow like mask to help out people but they were evil evill I tell you!!

  4. c3 yes it still lurks around the globe I don’t know where you got the idea it is in south America its not its in china most parts of America and all over the globe so yeah still around waiting

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