Trading Countries


economy: the management of the resources of a community, country, etc.,especially with a view to its productivity.

mirgrate: . Migrate, emigrate, immigrate are used of changing one’s abode from one country or part of a country to another.

nation: an aggregation of people or peoples of one or more cultures, races, etc,organized into a single state: the Australian nation

refugee: a person who flees for refuge or safety, especially to a foreign country,as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.

How do you think Australia’s economy compares with the economies of countries elsewhere in the world?

Many people from around the world migrate to Australia. What might be some reasons for this?

With what nations do you think Australia mostly trades?

The presenter describes three ways Asian nations are connected with Australia. What are they?

How many refugees have come to Australia since 1945? What percentage of the immigration program is made up of refugees?

Use the clip’s style of data presentation as a basis for showing visually how Australia connects to other nations. Do further research to fill the gaps.

You might want to focus on an area in particular; for instance, sports, tourism, trading of goods and services or communications.

Do a quick audit of your major household items to find the countries where they were made. Group these countries into continents.

Journey through Indonesia, our most populous neighbour – a nation of contradictions. Through the images in this clip, discover more about the people and the land, including population size, living conditions, education, internal migration, natural disasters, land management and international aid.

How does Indonesia differ from Australia? (Doodlebuddy+Showbie)Venn diagram

How is it similar to it?

Interesting Facts from the book you were reading

64 thoughts on “Trading Countries

  1. With what nations do you think Australia mostly trades? Japan, China, amarica, Indonesia.

  2. How many refugees have come to Australia since 1945? What percentage of the immigration program is made up of refugees?

    14000 refugees settled from Asia

  3. How many refugees have come to Australia since 1945? What percentage of the immigration program is made up of refugees?

    14000 refugees have settled since 1945. The percentage is 10-11%.

  4. Use the clip’s style of data presentation as a basis for showing visually how Australia connects to other nations. Do further research to fill the gaps.50.78%

  5. Australia Indonesia same
    has a lot of money isn’t as safe kind people
    more supplies not much money lots of people
    is a safe country not much supplies lacking of money
    to buy houses.

  6. Indonesia: dirty water, volcanos, poor constructions, manage wast, living in destroyed buildings, un safe coastline, over populated, risk full roads,

  7. Australia
    perfect sparkling water, not over populated, high education, goods, earn cash, safe buildings, safe roads, healthy hospitals that are close by, look after waste lands,

  8. Australia: Clean water, New clothes, New Shoes, Clean streets, Learning technology, a lot of food, Entertainment: Toys, Board games, Electronics e.t.c, extra curriculum and clubs, sports clubs: netball, football, soccer, gymnastics, basket ball, hockey e,t,c
    Indonesia: Dirty water, Dirty clothes, Crowded houses, Unwealthy Hospitals, Limited Food source, a great deal of poverty {most surviving on $2 per day},
    Same: Popular Countries {are both pretty crowded}, Teachers, Schools, Rivers, Air, Have a lot of migrants and cultures.

  9. 6. Our schools, clubs, job workers and op shops put together donate over 1million dollars per year.
    Across the world 1.4 million people live in extreme poverty, existing on less then us$1.45 per day.
    915 MILLION poor people have unclean water.
    67 million children do not receive a basic primary-level education.

  10. 8. most of my food in my pantry and fridge are made in china.also are our supplies like clothes,toiletries and so on.

  11. Australia: clean water, fresh food, speak English, wealthy and clean hospitals, nearly litter free, quite wealthy, new clothes, new shoes, not as many homeless people, good education, good sports to play,
    Indonesia: bad education, dirty water, a lot of pollution, speak Indonesian, unsafe constructions, a lot of homeless people, lack of food, accident prone, small houses with multiple people, poor, surviving on $2 per day, poverty,
    Same: lots of cultures, migrants, popular countries,

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