Australia & Asia

Dictionary Definitions

1a)global            1b)connection
1c) place             1d)perception

2) Which of the following are examples of connections between Australia and the world?

trade,  tourism,  aid,  migration,
music,  ideas,  beliefs,  television

3) Inquiry Process

Rank the following steps in the inquiry process below from 1 – 5

(1 is the first step in the process).

analyse data
draw conclusions
gather data
make recommendations
respond to findings

4) Map of Asia

4a) Write the names of the missing Asian countries on the screen – (not the blog)

Map of Asia

99 thoughts on “Australia & Asia

  1. 3)
    1) gather data
    2) analyse data
    3) respond to findings
    4) make recommendations
    5) draw conclusions

  2. 1. a) envolving there whole world. b) enithing that connects
    c)a geographal point such as town or place. d)Law the collection, receipt, or taking into possession of rents, crops, etc.

  3. 1a) global- pertaining to the whole world; world wide; universal.
    1b) connection- association with or development of something observed, imagined, discussed, etc.:
    1c) place- a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.
    1d) perception- immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment.

  4. 3)
    1= respond to findings
    2= make recommendations
    3= gathe data
    4= analyse data
    5= draw conclusions

  5. Percemption: your perception of something is the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it

  6. 1.a) global- around the world or international. Example- the man went on a plan and traveled global.
    B) connection- a link or bond. Example- the woman had a connection with her pet dog.
    C) place- a location or destination. Example- the little boy had wandered into a strange place.
    D) perception- a point of view or standard. Example- even though the little boy though the slime was cool, the little girl had a different perception.

  7. 3) 1 gather data
    2. analyse data
    3.draw conclusions
    4. make recommendations
    5. respond to findings.

  8. 1d)the act or faculty of perceiving or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind cognition understanding.

  9. 1d)the act or faculty of perceiving or apprehending by means of the sense or of mind cognition understanding

  10. 3. make reccomidantoins, gather data, analyse data, draw conclusions, respond to data.

  11. 4)
    4a) Saudi Arabia
    4b) Pakistan
    4c) India
    4d)Russian Federation
    4e) China
    4f) Vietnam
    4g) Philippines

  12. 4) A:- Saudi Arabia
    B:- Pakistan
    C:- India
    D:- Mongolia
    E:- China
    F:- Vietnam
    G:- Phillipines
    H:- Indonisia
    I:- Japan

  13. 1. gather data
    2. analyse data
    3. respond to findings
    4. make recommendations
    5. draw conclusions

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