Quotes to Consider

It is good to be confident in yourself and to always strive to be the best you can be.  Yet, truly successful people strive not only to be their best, but to be great in how they treat others.and celebrate their talents.

Humble Quote

1) Select your favourite and write the meaning of the quote.
2) Dictionary definition for humility –
3) Create your own quote about humility

“Pride is concerned with WHO is right. Humility is concerned with WHAT is right.” – Ezra Taft Benson
“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” – Albert Einstein
“On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.” – Michel de Montaigne
“Being humble means that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Extra for Experts

  • 4) Which quotes above hit home with you the most?  Why?
  • 5a) Have you ever bragged about something?  Or been humble about something that you’ve accomplished?  5b) How did each make you feel?
  • 6a) Talk about a humble person.  6b) What makes them humble?
  • 7a) Can you remember a story that you have read where the characters have shown humility?  7b) Or how about a story where a character was not humble?
  • 8) What are some things you can do be more humble?

30 thoughts on “Quotes to Consider

  1. 1.’ An actor should always let humility outweigh ambition’ Anna Kendrick. This quote means that as an actor always be humble so not proud or arrogant. Never let your ambition take over this quality!
    2. The quality of being humble.
    3. ‘Live your life being humble not arrogant’

    There you go Ms Johnson. I was bored so I completed a task for you! 🙂

  2. 1) A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing. the meaning to this quote is that the genius is no smarter than anyone else the other people have to just think a bit more. 2) The definition for humility is
    the quality or condition of being humble modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank.

    3) Don’t be lazy try harder and you’ll be a genius

  3. 1) “a true genius admits he/she knows nothing!
    I really like this quote because not everyone is good at everything,people think that most genius have great academical grades. Where you can be a genius in your own way.#creative
    2) being humble
    3)Being humble is the new humility!

  4. 1] A true genius admits that he/she know nothing: it means they don’t like to admit they smart

  5. 1) ‘A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing’ Albert Einstein
    2)Humility means: having a modest or low view of one’s importance
    3) you dont have to be a not good actor for some importance.

  6. A persone with true pride would prefer living on the street with friends rather then to live a wealthy future full of humility without any friends.

  7. 1) My quote I have chosen is- a true genius admits that he/she knows nothing
    It means to us that some geniuses aren’t as smart as people think they are
    2) the quality or condition of being humble modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance
    3)like being humble not a big genius

  8. 1) a true genius admits that he or she knows nothing
    2) the quality of being humble
    3) those who have the ability to be great full are those you are the ones are going to be great

  9. 2)The word humility means a man in the view of absolute goodness adores with total humility. Every step down

  10. 1) a true genius will admit that he or she knows nothing
    It means that they don’t like to admit they are smart otherwise some people may think they are boasting
    2) to have the ability to be humble
    3) people who are greatfull will be able to achieve greatness

  11. 1. Number four
    It means that being humble is more important than being rude and showing off because people will like you more if you are nice and grateful.

  12. 4. “Being humble means that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.” – Gordon B. Hinckley I chose this quote as I find it almost sums up how we should live our lives.

    5. I have bragged many times within the last 13 years but most I said to my brothers. At the time it always felt good to know that I am better then my brothers especially my older brother as he is very sporty and always wins awards but when I think back on it I feel like I let myself down.

    6. The most humble person I think I have ever met would be Kelsey from last year! She would always do well but she never ever not once bragged!

    7a. Hermione from Harry Potter always tried not to brag and you could tell by the way she spoke.
    7b. Ron always bragged but that was because he had so much competition and barely ever had something to brag about.

    8. Be a good sports person play like a team member and never think of yourself as the team captain unless you have been voted in. Also never tell someone to watch what you do to see how they can improve.

  13. 5. about two months ago I started to brag about how good I am at dragon ball xenoverse then one day I just stoped then I just got better

  14. 6a Gandalf from the lord of the rings 7a he just acts so calm he may yell some times but he still stays so humble about it

  15. 7a vegeta from dragon ball z he is a saiyan so that means he’s pride gets in the way of everything ( I forgot what 7a was meant to be so that’s why I am reposting this one)

  16. 4) number 2 because I do not like it when people brag this one has to meanings not to brag and be humble

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