Year 6 Ext









1) Write one number for five million and twenty-eight tens

2) Write the decimal fraction to show the fraction which has 12 as the numerator and 100 as the denominator

3) Write a fraction equivalent to 24/100

4) Which directed number is between these two numbers?

-9     ______ , -7

5) 16 – (8 x0) + 2 x 8

6) 962.74 – 324.8

7) Add 5/9 and 4/5

8) Express 48% as a decimal fraction

9) 14 = x + x;  x =?

10) x + x + 1 = 19;  x = ?

11) 10 minutes 15 seconds takeaway 45 seconds equals

12) The net mass of a bottle of mayonnaise is 150g.The mass of the bottle is 35g.

What is the gross mass?

67 thoughts on “Year 6 Ext

  1. mrs johnson, i am giving it a go at the year 6 extention. hopefully i can get at least half of them right!thx#

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