Term 3 Week One

Integers Ordering Negative Numbers Adding Negative Numbers Fraction Fiddle
Comic Books  Dust Echoes  ‘The be’ – Indigenous Story  SpellCity Assignment
 StudyJam – Integers  Grammar Monster


KWL – Aboriginal Culture – complete on  1 page and print

Your homework is available now Term 3 Week 8

36 thoughts on “Term 3 Week One

  1. Hi Ms Johnson. I have done Fraction Fiddler, as the Khan Academy work doesn’t load. I found it interesting and engaging as it sometimes had fixed numbers, forcing you to figure out a different way of solving the problem.

  2. Fraction Fiddle is easy but fun because it involves paper planes and because the title involves a instrument.

  3. Hi Ms Johnson

    I tried Fraction Fiddle I found it easy but it did revise some things from last term like adding different fractions. Fraction Fiddle was fun and helped me remeber some things we did in maths last term.

    From Nathan

  4. Hi Ms Johnson

    I thought that fraction fiddle was easy there were a few hard ones bu8t it was fun


  5. Hi Ms Johnson
    Dust Echoes was weird I did 4 videos and most of then were unrealistic the videos i watched was Whirlpool, The Curse, Moon Man and Spear. 🙂

    Ben 🙂

  6. Dust Echoes:
    I was watched The Wirlpool, The Curse and Wagalak Sisters this is a very fancinating site and the stories are fantastic.

  7. Hi Ms Johnson

    The dust echos were really intresting and mostly had a mythic villian cursing someone and them overpowering the villian. I watched whirlpool, the curse, mermaid tail and spear.
    thanks for placing the dust echo site on there.

  8. Hi Ms Johnson
    I just watched The Curse and Mermaid Story, they were both very interesting and gave an insite into mthe aboriginal culture and beliefs.

  9. Dear ms Johnson

    Today I watched Dust echoes and I wached The curse and Whirlpool I found the animations pretty cool, and The curse was very creepy and the story was very clear.

  10. Hi Ms Johnson, before I watched The Curse and Spear. The Curse really freaked me out because of the baby. I nearly jumped up in fright 😀 . Next I watched Spear. I liked the music that was playing when the guy speared the fish and kangaroos. Both videos were weird and cool.

    Zak 😀

  11. I watched the curse first it was a very interesting story line. It was about a evil spirit trying to get into their land and came trough the baby and started controling the baby but the babys mum knew the witch docter behind it and cursed the witch doctor.

    The second video i watched was spear. It was about a guy with a spear that was powerfull and an old guy wanted to have more power so first he tryed to steal the spear and thaat didnt work so then he cursed him self with bugs and tryed to kill the guy with spear but the guy with the spear was to power full and ended up un cursing him

    I really enjoyed watching both videos
    Will 🙂

  12. I watched “The Curse” and “The Spear”. They were VERY different and creepy to what I was expecting. (Curse) It showed a guy who had a curse. The monster couldn’t get through the camp sight so the monster entered through the baby’s spirit. This was because of another man. So the girl went and got rid of the guy who was letting the monster in.
    (Spear) There was a man who owned a magical spear and an old man tried to steal it. He got magical bugs to help kill the guy who owned the spear. But the guy won the fight but stabbing him in the leg.

    Kahlia 🙂

  13. Hi Ms Johnson,
    I just watched Curse and Spear and I found Curse very weird and very eary. Spear on the other hand had a cool fight scene and really cool music.
    The storyline of Spear was that there was a witch doctor and he was cursing the mothers son. She was giving strong medicine which was working. The witch doctor sent a big monster to kill the old lady, but since the medicine was too strong the monster came in through the baby. When the mother got the baby back to normal she went and turned the witch doctor to stone.
    The spear was when a guy created a powerful and magical spear that killed alot of animals to get food for his tribe and an old man tryed to get the spear and kill the guy with powerful bugs. This followed with a big fight scene and the guy with the spear won. The guy with the spear stabbed the other guy in the leg and turned him back to normal.
    The first video was pretty creepy but I liked them both.

  14. Hi Ms Johnson

    I found Dust echoes really weird but different to most other normal stories. I watched The Curse and Spear, The Curse was weird and creepy. The Curse had a whitch docter that made evil spirits and was sickening the wifes husband. In the end the wife makes a powerful potion that destroys the spirits and whitch docter.
    The Spear was all about jealousy. A man in a tribe hunts all of these Australian animals with a powerful spear to feed the tribe. However an old man in the tribe gets jealous and gives himself evil spirits because he can’t hold the spear. In the end they both fight and the man with the spear wins and frees the bad spirits from the old man.

    From Nathan 🙂

  15. I just watched the moon man and the Wagalak sisters. Both of these stories where interesting yet a little weird to me, as they are different to our everyday lives. Yet that is why it is so phenomenal and exciting, learning and experiencing what different cultures a like.

    In the Moon Man, it had a coda, oral sort of thing. As it said ‘and that’s why a full moon rises above the Penndel’s trees every month’. This is giving us a reason for the story.

    Yet in the Wagalak sisters it was just a story, and ended in an confusing, unexpected way!

    Both of these stories are different yet the culture is the same throughout the stories.

    I enjoyed discovering the Aboriginals ‘ dream time stories’!!

  16. Hi Ms. Johnson,

    Kelsey and I just watched 2 videos on the Dust Echoes website – Namorrodor and Morning Star.
    The Namorrodor video was a little scary, seeing there was no talking and there was a beast who tried to kill a poor, innocent baby. At the start of the video there was a shooting star, which awoke the beast that was Namorrodor. The star flew to a patch of sticks where a family was gathering and lit the sticks on fire. Namorrodor followed the star to it’s ending place, where it lit the sticks on fire. It watched one of the children throw a leg of meat into the fire and then the mother hurriedly took it out, acting as if that gesture was offensive and dangerous to the animals that could possibly be preying near by. Namorrodor saw the woman’s bones in her hands and the baby’s heart in his body, and pounced. In defense, the woman picks up a stick of fire and whacks the Namorrodor with it about 3 times. It ran away in fear. The story of Namorrodor is that whenever it sees a shooting star, he is awakened.

    The second video was Morning Star. This video was not as scary, although it had death in it. There was a campsite and a man heard a noise – he instantly knew there had been the first death at the camp. They then proceeded to hold a ceremony of birth, life and death. When they said what it was called it sounded a bit like Madajah. They let crows clean his body and then they put his bones in a Didgeridoo looking thing. They then went bathing and the video ended.

    I really enjoyed learning about the Aboriginal Dream Time Stories – they were very intriguing and interesting.


  17. Hi Ms Johnson,
    I watched “Moon Man” and “Curse” they were both intriguing and confusing in a understandable way!

    The first video I watched was “Curse” it was about a witch doctor and a powerful mother. the doctor was cursing the son. He also entered the baby’s spirit but the medicine of the mother was to strong so the spirit left. In fury she left to go see the witch doctor and turned him into stone with her medicion water.

    The second video I watched was “Moon Man” it was verry good although it did scare me!The story was about a man who had two sons and two wives. One day when the boys went fishing, they caught alot of fish… but insted of sharing the fish they ate them all. This happend twice. and on the third time, the dad made a net for the fish but insted of fish he put in the bones of his two (now) dead boys inside. (whom he had just killed) and all he said was their just bones… The mums found out and set fire to him and he rose and became the moon.

    The stories were anazing and creepy but I liked them both!

  18. Hi Ms Johnson. I have just done the Dust Echoes with Joanna. I watched two videos, which were Namorrodor and Morning Star. Both contained fatal situations. Namorrodor had a near death accident, whilst Morning Star was about a ceromony done after the first death.

    The title of the story Namorrodor was named after the creature Namorrodor, as this bloodthirsty creature was the main character. The story line was that every time a shooting star appears in the sky, the Namorrodor awakens and looks around for his next victim. Nearby, a family is camping around a bonfire. The lady at the camp has put the baby to sleep, and the baby was lying down beside her. The Namorrodor saw the lady’s skeleton hand and the baby’s heart when it glanced at them. The people at the site throw a leg of meat towards him unintentionally, and he is momentarily distracted by it. He then refocuses and moves stealthily towards the baby. As he rears up ready to strike, the mother grabs a burning stick and flings it at the creature. He recoils and moves away, leaving them alone till the next shooting star. There is no dialogue in this video, only eerie music.

    Morning Star was the next video. It had dialogue as well as music. A man heard sounds and knew that there had been the first death at the campsite. Music plays with increasing tempo when they discover the dead body. After this they dance melancholy around the body in a circle. This goes on for weeks while the body disintegrates until there is a pile of bones. They build a tube to encase the bones. After this, they waded in the nearby waterhole. The narrator explains that as the morning star rises the ceremony of birth, life and death ends.

    Both videos had unusual music and stories. They came from the Aboriginal Dreamtime and have been passed down for generations, as warnings, stories and traditions.

  19. Hi Ms Johnson,

    I did dust echoes and watched ‘The Curse’ and ‘Mermaid’. I found them both quite strange but very intriguing.

    The first video, The Curse, was very weird but I liked it. The man looked really creepy and the storyline was clear. I was a little confused at the start but started to understand later on. The son had a curse and the mother had to save him and I think she killed the man who gave him the curse.

    The second video, Mermaid, was also very good, it was quite confusing. The man went for a walk and found mermaids. He was being left out as his friends weren’t being very nice when he came back they were all friends.

    I enjoyed them both.


  20. Hi Ms Johnson
    I watched Whirlpool and Morning Star, Whirlpool was my favourite out of the two of them because the music in told alot and I could really follow the story line at the start one of the native creatures lost it paddle for the cannoe and gets captured and is taken to their camp the native they stole had been taken by the other natives back to saftey at the end the natives were being chased by the guys who stole their native first when the natives reach the land the guys who are chasing them are stopped by this giant monster that creates a whirlpool sucks up the bad guys.

    Morning star I could not really get but these are the parts I did get I am pretty sure they did put the dead body in the tree and let it dislove and they took away all the bones they had different ceremonies leading up to this where they would do different things.

  21. hello Ms Johnson,
    I watched the curse and morning star, both of them were very interesting, in my own opinion I found the cursed one more entertaining but I did enjoy the morning star aswell.

  22. Hi Ms Johnson

    I watched the Dreamtime Stories The Bat and the Butterfly and The Mermaids. They were both very interesting. I really liked The Bat and the Butterfly. I love Dreamtime Stories. I hope we can watch or read some more in class.


  23. I played foul food maker. It was very easy and wasn’t particularly over whelming. Also symmetry isn’t loading so I can’t do the activity!

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