Sun Arise

Learning Intention:

This week we will be investigating the Aboriginal culture in association with NAIDOC week

Success Criteria:

I will know I have been successful when:

# Participate in all tasks

# Listen and Discuss Poem and Dream Time stories

# Understand the meaning and history behind NAIDOC week

Poetry Challenge


DreamTime – How the kangaroo got its pouch

Dreamtime – Where rainbows come from.

Sun Arise – Rolf Harris/Harry Butler


NAIDOC Week – 3-10th July

Naidoc Australia

History Timeline

q1) What does NAIDOC stand for?

q2) Why does Australia have a NAIDOC Week?

q3) Can you name what you think is the most significant event in the timeline (above)

Art Time

Aboriginal Art

105 thoughts on “Sun Arise

  1. 1- National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee
    2- to remember the day we took over Austraila
    3- 1920- 1930

  2. 2. We have NAIDOC week to think of the first people to have been on the land and to say thank you and just think of aboriginal peoples

  3. 1) National Aboriginal Day Observance Committee
    I found this but thaty were missing out the I and I thought it meant Indigenous.

  4. 2. We have NAIDOC week to think of the first people to have been on the land and to say thank you and just think of aborigitnal peoples

  5. 1)National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee.
    2) To acknowledge the Aboriginals that we took over from.
    3)What I think the most important part of the time line was 1940-1955 because it stated facts about Aboriginal day being the Sunday before Australia Day.

  6. 1) National Aboriginal Islander Day Observance Celebration
    2) To recognise the Aboriginal peoples because we just came and took over their land.
    3) The most important place on the timeline for me was definitely 1940-1955 because it mentioned information about how the ‘Mourning Week’ was held.

  7. 1. It stand for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee
    2. To celebrate the aboriginal people history.

  8. 2) Becuase we have to respect our custodians of this land and thus were originally the first people to live in Australia until we took over

  9. 2. Because Australia was descoverd by the aboriginal people and was taken care of by them.

  10. 2) So that we can have a whole week of thinking about the aboriginal culture and also think about all those custodians of our land.

  11. 2.NAIDOC week is an Australian observance lasting from the first Sunday in July until the following Sunday. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

  12. 2) I think it because we just came over and took over there land but having NAIDOC week is showing this is still there land

  13. Q1) NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee.
    Q2) So the Aboriginals can have a week to be themselves and do what they want to do; hunt, paint, spear throwing. All things like that.
    Q3) The First Battle of Bull Run was the first major land battle of the war. It occurred near Manassas, Virginia. Union forces from Washington, DC totaling 28,450, under the command of General Irvin McDowell, attempted to surprise 32,230 Confederate troops.

  14. 1) NAIDOC stands for
    Aboriginal and

    2) To respect the custodians of this land which had there land taken from them when the English arrived in the first fleet.

    3) I think the most significant event is on Australia Day in 1938, when protesters marched through Sydney demanding respect.

  15. 3. 1938 because that was the year thousands of pool were marching because of NADOC week.

  16. 1) NAIDOC means National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee.
    2) Australia has a NAIDOC week to celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    3) I think the one that is the most important is the 1940~1955 one because instead of it being on Australia Day it was moved to another day or days for people to think more about NAIDOC and its cultures.

  17. 1. National Aborigines Indigenous Day Observance Committee. Or National Aborigines Day Committee.

    2. We have NADOC week because we need to celebrate the Aborigines because they are the custodians of the land and the English just took over so we need to say sorry in a way and that way is to dedicate a week to them.

    3. When the English changed NADOC day to the first Sunday of July because it shouldn’t just be a day of protesting it should be a day of celebration.

  18. 3.The most significant event in 1940-1955 because it stated facts about Aboriginal day being the Sunday before Australia Day.

  19. 3) Because they added the ‘I’ to NAIDOC to represent Torres Stait Islanders which I think is very significant

  20. 2) we have naidoc week because we took over their land we have to honour that they where here first

  21. 1) National Aborignal And Islanders Day Obervence Committee

    2) To acknowledge to the custodians of this land and pay our respects to the Aborignals for we where the one who came and took over the land. So it is important to show the Aborignals that we care about them because they are the original people’s of this land.


  22. (2) we have a naidoc week because we need to show them respect and there the peaple came before us.

  23. 1) NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committe.

    2) To celebrate and acknowledge the traditions and cultures of aboriginal peoples.

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