Sun Arise

Learning Intention:

This week we will be investigating the Aboriginal culture in association with NAIDOC week

Success Criteria:

I will know I have been successful when:

# Participate in all tasks

# Listen and Discuss Poem and Dream Time stories

# Understand the meaning and history behind NAIDOC week

Poetry Challenge


DreamTime – How the kangaroo got its pouch

Dreamtime – Where rainbows come from.

Sun Arise – Rolf Harris/Harry Butler


NAIDOC Week – 3-10th July

Naidoc Australia

History Timeline

q1) What does NAIDOC stand for?

q2) Why does Australia have a NAIDOC Week?

q3) Can you name what you think is the most significant event in the timeline (above)

Art Time

Aboriginal Art

105 thoughts on “Sun Arise

  1. My favourite was ‘How the kangaroo got its pouch’ because the voice was very good and really clear to listen to and it wasn’t really really loud and there was great artwork and good pictures to match the story getting told.

  2. I enjoyed the Where the rainbows come from because it had interesting music and sound also the picture and objects were interesting. I did enjoy the one called How kangaroos got pouches but not as much as the rainbow one because the kangaroo one had a voice and was less coloured so it didn’t really catch my attention.

  3. I like the ‘where rainbows come from’ because,
    1) I love rainbows but that shouldn’t make me choose this one. I chose this one because it seems true and it’s fun to watch and the music gets me into it as well.
    2) Even if it didn’t have the visuals I could emagine what it was saying more that ‘How the kangaroo go its pouch’.

  4. I liked how the Kangaroo got its pouch because you don’t have to read it has audio and the graphics and the way it’s set out is better plus you understand it more

  5. I like how kangaroos got there pouch becouse it has good graphics and has great animation with a good voice over.

  6. 1. My favourite dream time story was ‘Where rainbows come from’, because it was a happy story for how rainbows are made and it had the story written under the picture so you could take the story how you wanted to because everyone has a different interpretation of everything then with the words.

  7. 1) My favourite video was the first one which was “how the kangaroo got its pouch” because it made more sense to me and they used an Australian animal to act it out. Also they used cultural music.

  8. I prefer the How the Kangaroo got its pouch rather then the Where rainbows come from, because it was longer and was more interesting and I have heard the story before so I have known it for longer so it has grown on me and made me like it more.

  9. I prefer the kangaroo one because it had words and the cloud one I didnt know who was talking so at the start it wasent clear who was saying what and the kangaroo one had a Austrailian music (clavays and the other one).

  10. I liked the one called ‘How the kangaroo got it’s pouch’ because I think it had more of a reason to explain why and how the kangaroo got it’s pouch.
    The rainbow one was ok but it was in a sort of different style to the kangaroo one. I still liked the rainbow one because it was more clear and more colourful.

  11. I like the first one because it was longer, it actually got you involved and it was spoken by someone.

  12. I like ‘how the kangaroo got its pouch’ because it’s action filled and had speaking/audio in it and it’s pretty long and the graphics were also good and it was just fun to watch.

  13. I didn’t really have a favourite Dreamtime Story because the first story dragged on and on and didn’t really cut to the chase about how it got the Kangaroo actually got its pouch. The Rainbow story was also a bit confusing about a bird dancing and then it kept skipping little parts out of the story so it was just as confusing as the other story was for me. If I had to pick my favourite story was definitely ‘How The Kangaroo Got Its Pouch’.

  14. I liked number 1 how did the kangaroo get its pouch because the music was nice and it was about spirits and the joeys mum how she got her pouch and the mother kangaroo was helping the wombat.

  15. My favourite one was the kangaroo got its pouch even though the cloud one was funnier the kangaroo one made more sense to me and showed more reasons and how the kangaroo really could’ve got its pouch and the th cloud grinning and making a rainbow that sounds more childish and for younger people and the how the kangaroo gots it pouch is about more sensible and has a reason behind it. And the cultural music in the background of the kangaroo one fitted it more ta the loud sounds of the cloud one which would’ve fitted more if it was based on a thunderstorm which it wasn’t.

  16. My favourite was the how a kangaroo got its pouch. It had awesome drawings and was not loud but the other one was so loud and was not so interesting

  17. 2 so we can celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements.

  18. I love all these answers they are really good and everybody is really telling everyone their own opinion and I think that’s really great.

  19. I liked where rainbows come from because the other one was a bit sad and this one was about the cloud being happy. I more like happy storeys than sad ones

  20. I liked the Rainbow DreamTime story most because it was colourful and was more clear to understand where as the How the Kangaroo Got Its Pouch was a bit difficult to take in because it was kind of the same story over and over like the kangaroo bringing the wombat places and the Joey being tired which made me get a little bored leading to not really understanding the story.

  21. Another reason was because I didn’t have to read How the Kangaroo got its pouch like I did the other one. Although the rainbow one was good I liked the Kangaroo one better. (Kangaroos being my 3rd or 4th favourite animal has no impact on my choice.)

  22. (1) I like the rainbow one better because the was a catchy beat to it and I also like the story.

  23. If I had to choose which one I liked more out of the two dream time story’s I would pick ‘How the Kangaroo got its pouch’ because it makes sense how the wombat was a spirit that dissappeared and I like how the Mother Kangaroo was rewarded with a pouch to make her job as a parent a lot easier. Also I like the fact that this story also has a moral, ‘if you are kind you will be rewarded.’

  24. My favourite one was ‘how the kangaroo got its pouch’ because I found ‘where rainbows come from’ was a bit too uncomplicated for my liking.

  25. I think the one called how the kangaroo got its pouch because it had an narrator and it was more Aboriginal than the cloud one, as it had common Australian animals and it had good graphics. That’s why I prefer the kangaroo story than the cloud story.👍

  26. The rainbow one is because is more interesting, and have words and background, but it didn’t have anything talk about is Australian story. The kangaroo one is too bored, is because the man that talking is no really clear, but it’s fell just like Australian. So I prefer the kangaroo one.

  27. I preferred how the kangaroo got his pouch because It seemed more realistic because when he read it to me I was imagining it in my head.

  28. I preferred the first one, How The Kangaroo Got It’s Pouch. I favourited in this one because it was more interesting and because the person read it too you. Even though it had images that in my opinion where not very good, you could close your eyes and imagine the images which is a good thing for stress relief and also to let your imagination run wild. I found How The Kangaroo Got It’s Pouch more in depth and that affected my option on the story a lot. Because I found it in depth I found it more interesting and made me want to listen where with the other one I found that the only thing that made me watch was the nose because it was very loud and made you want to know what I going on. I liked the timing of the first one as in how long it went because it was long it made me more relaxed and it let you find what the story was about where I didn’t find that in the second story.


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