Voyage to the Planets

Learning Intention

Today we are going to learn more in-depth facts about the solar system.

Success Criteria

# Accurately locate and record facts


Voyage to the Planets

Write 5 facts you have learnt

Solar System & Space Exploration

List 4 facts you already knew and 4 facts you just learnt

The Atmospheres of the Solar System

Blog Task

Title:  Atmospheres of the Solar System

Image: Find a diagram and put it on your blog.

Explanation: Explain the Atmospheres of the Solar System.



a) Which task was the most enjoyable and why?

b) Which task helped you learn the most?

37 thoughts on “Voyage to the Planets

  1. 1)
    All the gas giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
    Neptune and Mars’s names: the red planet and the cloudy planet.
    Jupiter is the biggest planet (I thought it was Saturn.)
    Just from everything I’ve learnt a lot of things to do with space like what a constellation is and Stuff like that.
    And all the other drawn planets like Titan.

  2. 1)I’ve learnt that Neptune has this thing called the great dark spot and Jupiter has the great spot Jupiters spot is super hot but Neptunes is stormy and cold but it disappeared after 100 years ago or something but Jupiters still has the spot

  3. 2)I did not know that Pluto had moons I thought he was a no moon planet or something but plutos moons are called nix,Hydra,Charon those three moons a plutos that’s really cool

  4. Solar System & Space Exploration
    I did know that:
    * Pluto is a dwarf planet
    * Jupiter is the biggest planet
    * All planets orbit the sun
    * Pluto is the smallest thing

  5. 1) I have learnt that Uranus spins on its side.
    2) Venus has mountains, volcanos and spray.
    3)Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
    5)there are five dwarf planets

  6. Fact one that Pluto is one of the lonlyest places in the Soler System.
    Fact two that Venus can melt you heart.
    Fact three that Saturn his is the second largest planet and the in the bruity.
    Fact four that Mercury is the smallest plannet.
    Fact five that Jupiter is the largest and the king of the planets.

  7. Solar System and Space Exploration-
    1) Gullies on Mars suggest that water and perhaps life may once have existed there.
    2) the Sun is 10 times bigger than Jupiter, the biggest planet.
    3) it takes eight minutes for the light to travel 150,000km from the Sun to Earth.
    4) Neptune is 30 times further from the Sun than Earth.
    Things that I already know:
    1) it takes eight minutes for the Suns light to reach earth.
    2) the sun is a giant star.
    3) at the centre of the solar system is the Sun.
    4) a comet is a chunk of ice and dust that melts as it approaches the Sun.

  8. Probably my favourite task was the videos because all I had to do was listen to them and gain knowledge and then put it onto our blog.
    And the task that helped me learn the most was the the videos as well because they all had different facts to represent their video so you can watch more videos and gain more knowledge whilst watching them to which will then help us on our test that we will be doing on planets of our solar system. And the videos represent so much knowledge that will help doing our test to get higher grades.

  9. Wright 5 facts that you have learnt
    1. Pluto is not a planet it is a dwarf planet
    2. There are 5 dwarf planets
    3. You can see some planets without a telescope
    4. Gravity pulls you to the centre of the planet or star
    5. Earth is the 5th largest planet

    List 4 facts you already knew and 4 new facts
    1. The placement of the planets
    2. There is 10 planets including dwarf planets
    3. Earth is made up of 71%Nitrogen, 21%Oxygen and 1%Argon
    4. Uranus lays on its side

    Name 4 facts you have learned
    1.The atmosphere is made up of 4 main parts they are called Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesophere, stratosphere and Troposphere
    2. The two closest planets to earth are Venus and Mars
    3. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are considered as the gas giants
    4. Murcury, Venus, Earth and Mars are considered as the terrestrial planets

  10. Five facts that I have learnt are that Pluto is about -190 degrees Celsius, Pluto is the colour brown, Mars is named after the god of war, every gas giant has at least one ring and earth is a terrestrial planet.

    Four facts I already knew are Venus is hotter than mercury, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, Pluto is a dwarf planet and earth is the only planet in the solar system with life. Four facts I just learnt are Pluto was named after the roman god of the underworld, Pluto isn’t the only dwarf planet in our solar system, the sun is hundreds of times bigger than the earth and mercury is about the same size as our moon.

  11. Saturn is not the only one with rings all the gas giants have them like Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus those are gas ghants they are mostly have more rings then one Jupiter has 3 rings Uranus has 13 rings and Saturn has more then 51 rings Neptune has 5 rings but there rings are invisible

  12. 1)That Mercury is a little larger than Earth’s Moon.
    2) All the planets orbit the sun.
    3) there are eight planets in our solar system.
    4)Mercury is the smallest planet.

  13. Write 5 facts you have learnt

    1) That Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar-System
    2) Venus has volcanos and mountains
    3) That Uranus spins on its side
    4) There is only one star in the Solar-System… The Sun
    5) Our galaxy is called the Milky-Way

    List 4 facts you already knew

    1) That Earth is the third planet from the Sun
    2) That Mars has two Moons
    3) Saturn’s rings are made out of billions of rocks, dust and other things
    4) That Jupiter is the biggest planet

  14. 2)
    Pluto is a dwarf planet.
    How many planets there are in space.
    There one star in our solar system (the sun.)
    Mars has a Great Red Spot.
    Neptune has a great blue spot.
    There are 5 dwarf planets.
    There are two stars bigger than the sun and ones MASSIVE.
    The sun is much bigger than I thought it was

  15. 5 fact you have learned

    1)Earth is four and a half billion years old.

    2) Uranus colour come from clouds made up of tiny crystals.

    3) Neptune and Earth have the about the same amount of gravity.

    4) Neptune is named after the Roman god of the seas

    5) A 11 year old girl named Pluto after the Roman god of the underword

  16. a) I I enjoyed the blog task because I learnt lots of things about the atmosphere and all of the planets, “I bet I can name all the planets in order, all right here I go, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto is a dwarf planet since 2006 to now because scientists think that Pluto is too small a planet to be in the solar system.

    b) I think the videos helped me in my knowledge because it was very interesting and fun and in one of the videos I should’ve known that a robot from NASA has finally landed on Mars( Red Planet ).

  17. Voyage of the planets.
    1. A day on Mars is 24 hours and 40 mins long (40 mins longer then our day)
    2. Mercury is the host to the largest spider. ( no, not the spider we have here.)
    3. The great red spot on Jupiter goes 30-100 kilometres below the surface of Jupiter.

    Solar System & Space Exploration
    What I already knew:
    1.Our Solar System contains 8 planets.
    2. Pluto still orbits around the Sun even though it is not a planet.
    3. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth.
    4. Like Planets, asteroids, meteoroids and comets orbit Sun.

    Facts that I didn’t know:
    1. The Sun is 10 times bigger then Jupiter (the largest planet in our Solar System).
    2. When you travel further from the Sun the gaps between the planets increase.
    3. Meteoroids mainly form when asteroids collide.
    4. A robotic probe that explores Mars is called Phoenix.

  18. Solar System & Space Exploration
    I didn’t know that:
    * the Sun is 10 times bigger than Jupiter
    *the Sun is a relative dwarf compared to the largest known star, VY Canis Majoris
    * Mars is much colder than Earth
    * Mars has less gravity then Earth

  19. Did you know Saturn has rocks and dust Saturn mostly makes Astroids hit the moon but it’s nearly impossible because Saturn has really strong gravity what makes things closer to it like garbage getting sent to space so Saturn has the most strongest gravity in the universe

  20. 1) I have learnt that Uranus spins on its side.
    2) The sun is 10 times bigger than jupiter and Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
    3) saturn is not the only one with rings around it.
    4) there are five dwarf planets.
    5) pluto has three moons nix, hydra and charon.

  21. What I know
    1) there are eight planets in our solar system
    2) the sun is the only star In our solar system
    3) there are two stars bigger than the sun
    4) there are five dwarf planets
    I learnt
    1) the names of the two stars
    2) that asteroids circle the sun
    3) that an asteroid hit rissa
    4) that comets are ice

  22. Fact one
    I found out that there are more than one dwarf planets in our solar system.
    Fact two
    And learnt that Titan the planet of Neptune has fully created an atmosphere and is the only moon to have one.
    Fact three
    I learnt that Titan was once an asteroid that cane I to Neptune gravity pull area and got stuck and became a moon of Neptune.
    Fact four
    I learnt that the first satellite sent I to space name was Sputnik.
    Fact five
    I learnt that all of the planets expect earth have been named after a Roman god or goddess.

  23. 3) Saturn ring partical around the Saturn in 650,000 km each hour!
    4) Neptune great dark spot has disappeared after discovered 5 years.
    5) Some of the spacecraft are vanish on Venus because is too hot.

  24. 1) I didn’t know that Mercury was almost invisible by the glare of the sun.
    2) or that Mercury’s shady side was over 600 degrees.
    3) or that there was ice giants are real.
    4) or that Neptune appears as a fathomless ball of green-blue fog.
    5) and, I didn’t know that Neptune’s moon was called Triton.

  25. Voyage to the planets-
    1) Mercury is host to the largest ‘Spider’ in the galaxy.
    2) A day on Mars is 24 hours and 40 minutes long.

  26. I didn’t realise that Neptune had a great dark spot.
    It really interested me in what it actually was until I searched it up and read the text on one of those sheets. Neptune and Uranus really interests me considering No one knows about those planets and I would love to find out more about them.

    I think the blog taskes and the planet sheets helped me have a stronger understanding about the planets. Personally I think It’s how you explain and do things help me have a stronger understanding about space.😛

  27. Write 4 fact you knew and 4 facts you just learnt
    4 fact I know.
    1) in 2006 they started calling Pluto a dawn planet.
    2) Neptune is could
    3) Triton is colder than Uranus.

  28. The sun is more then 100000 degrees hot that’s why it is so hot that it light on fire it is the only star in the universe people say that’s not true because every night you see a star but that is a night star but the only star is the sun in the morning

  29. Write 5 facts you have learnt

    1) I didn’t know that the sun is ten times bigger than Jupiter.
    2) Earth is about 4 and a half billion years old.
    3) Mercury is the smallest planet
    4) that there is 5 dwarf planets
    5) that there is only one star in our solar system.

    List 4 facts you already knew and 4 facts you just learnt.
    1) Earth is the third planet from the sun.
    2) Jupiter is largest planet in our solar.
    3) Mars has two moons
    4) Mars is colder than Earth

    1) a day on Mars is 24 years on Earth
    2) Saturn’s rings are made up of dust, rocks and other things.

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