Term 4 Week One

         Poetry Terms        Poetry Quiz        SpellCity Assignment
         Einstein Puzzles      Algebra Puzzles              Logic Puzzles
       Roman Numerals       Shape Poetry       Theme Poem Interactive

Adventure Shape Poems  & Concrete or Visual Poetry Examples

Eng 1 Check List

A)  Anagramarama (vacation)    B)  Selfie + App smashing (frame+text)  C ) Blog entry (Term 4 Goals)  D) Peer Interview  E) Handwriting

 F) Reflections (Sticky Notes)  G) Map of Class   H) SpellCity Assignment   I) Vocabulary of the Week

J) Thought of the week

Vocabulary of the Week – Define + Sentence

1) vacation   2) vivacious    3) predicament    4) fiesta 


Thought of the Week

1) In what ways do you treat people with respect?        2) Are there any ways in which you don’t?

3) What happens when people are treated with respect?   4) How about when they are not treated with respect?

5) Who is the most respectful person you know?  6) What makes them that way?

Homework will be available Wednesday 8th October

Time to Celebrate – Term 4 Week 3 TBA

16 thoughts on “Term 4 Week One

  1. Vocabulary

    1. Vacation:
    a) Definition- A period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday.
    b) Sentence – My family and I went on vacation where we stayed at the Gold Coast and visited all of the theme parks.
    c) noun
    d) Origin – Middle English, Aglo-French, Latin, 1350-1400

    2. Vivacious:
    a) Definition – lively; animated; happy.
    b) Sentence – I was watching a movie, where I got to see a vivacious folk dance be preformed by elves.
    c) adjective
    d) Origin – 1635-1645

    3. Predicament:
    a) Definition – an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
    b) Sentence – I was in a very messy predicament with my friends at school.
    c) noun
    d) Origin – Middle English, Late Latin, 1350-1400

    4. Fiesta
    a) Definition – any festival or festive celebration.
    b) Sentence – I am going to a giant fiesta in Rio soon.
    c) noun
    d) Spanish, Latin, 1835-1845


  2. Vocabulary
    1) Vacation-Noun
    Define: A period of suspension work, study, or other activities usually used for rest, recreation or travel; recess or holiday
    Origin: 1350-1400; < Latin vacation
    Sentence: I always look forward to my vacation because I get to relax and not worry about school work.

    2) Vivacious-Adjective
    Define: Lively; animated; happy
    Origin: 1635-1645
    Sentence:When I woke up this morning I felt very vivacious.

    Define: An unplasantly difficult, perplexing or dangerous situation.
    Origin: 1350-1400
    Sentence: While walking up Mt Colum on the holidays we found it was very predicament.

    4) Fiesta -Noun
    Define: Any festival or festive celebration.
    Origin: 1835-1845
    Sentence: While learning Japenese I have found out they have alot of fiesta's.

  3. Vocabulary of the week
    1) Vacation
    -Noun A break from work, school
    -Verb Take a vacation
    -Origin 1350-1400 Latin, Middle English and Anglo French
    Sentence- I was on a vacation during the school holidays, and I was sad to see it end so very quickly.
    2) vivacious
    – Adjective lively
    -Origin 1635-1645
    -Sentence Her partner was a very vivacious lady with an unattractive face and hair laced with gray.
    3) predicament
    -noun an unpleasant or dangerous situation
    -Origin 1350-1400 Middle English and Late Latin
    Sentence- The unusual predicament was a very complex and hard to resoulve.
    4) Fiesta
    -Noun any festive celebration.
    -Origin 1835-1845 Spanish and Latin
    Sentence- The family next door went to a fiesta they said it was amazing.

  4. Vocabulary of the Week –

    Vacation – Pronounced Vay-Cay-Shun.
    A vacation is a noun (and sometimes a verb) with multiple meanings. The easiest to understand meaning of these is “freedom or release from duty, business or activity.” In my mind, a vacation is “A period of time in which no work is required to complete.”. I wish that was true…
    Vacation originated in Latin from the time period 1350 – 1400, from the Latin word vacātiōn, which in turn came from the Middle English word vacacioun.
    A sentence using the word vacation would be this: “On my vacation I painted pottery, jumped around on trampolines and experienced thrills on my first ever visit to Movie World.”

    Vivacious – Pronounced Vi-Vay-Shuh-S
    This adjective has only one meaning. To summarize, to be vivacious is to be happy, or ecstatic. The dictionary.reference.com website states that vivacious means “Lively; Animated; Gay.”. In this instance, gay replaces the word happy.
    The language from which vivacious originated is unknown, but we do know it came from the period between 1635 and 1645, and came from the word vivaci(ty) -ous.
    I would use this word which has a word value of 17 in scrabble like this: “I had a vivacious swim in the pool”, which would mean “I had a lively swim in the pool”.

    I am running out of time so I am going to round this up here and finish it later.


  5. Hi Ms Johnson,
    Einstein Puzzles were quite hard. On one of the puzzles (who stole the ginger cookie) I really thought it was Alex but it was Holly. I didn’t get any right but I think I understand how to work them out. I did enjoy working them out, as it would have been alot easier if I had a working out book with me.
    Thanks Kahlia 🙂

  6. Hi Ms Johnson

    Today I have tried out the Einstein Puzzles.

    The Einstein Puzzles were really cool and I have done the gardens puzzle and the soccer problems puzzle. Gardens was really difficult and I couldn’t figure it out but the solution i could see how they did it. However the soccer problem ii finished and got all of it right because the gardens puzzle helped me alot.

    From Nathan 🙂

  7. Hi Ms Johnson,
    The Einstein puzzles were really hard but I did have fun!
    On Who stole the cookie I had an Idea on who it was but sadly I was incorrect! I had just confused my self because I was trying so hard to get it correct!

  8. Einstein Puzzles and Logic Puzzles Reflection-

    I found the Einstein Puzzles and the Logic Puzzles really cool, and a few of them I had seen before such as the Hospital one. I only managed to figure out a few of them since they were quite hard, especially the Einstein ones. If we could see more puzzles and riddles on the blog that’d be great!


  9. Hi Ms Johnson

    This is for the thought of the week.
    1. I treat people with respect by doing things for them when they ask me to. I treat people with respect by speaking to them appropriatlly

    2. (I prefer to not place this on veiw for the whole world to see.)

    3. They start to feel self-confident and happy. They stop being so angry or upset. They also start treating others with respect

    4. They have low self-esteem and they sometimes are very shy with communication problems. They often start to be bullied or become bullies to gain respect. They often don’t show others respect.

    5. My mum

    6. When everyone started to pick on someone living with us, she didn’t. When I get mad at dad or one of my siblings, mum always calms me down and talks about the person positivley. When I have problems she can always calm me down. This means that she respects others, and I find that that is something to be respected.

    P.S. I know we did this in class, but it was on the list as one of the English 1 activities.

  10. Thought of the week

    1. I respect people by if someone does something for me I say thank you and I also use other manners.

    2. When I am at home my brothers are rude to me so I am rude to them!

    3. Most the time they then treat others with respect and their confidence levels also rise.

    4. Then they do not treat others with respect and their confidence levels also drop.

    5. Probably my friend who will stay anonymous but they do go to our school.

    6. Because she respects everything about me. Plus she is kind.

  11. Vocabulary of the Week Part 2-

    Predicament – Pronounced Pri-Dik-Uh-Muh Nt
    Predicament is a noun and has 3 meanings; however we are only going to show one today. The meaning listed: “An unpleasantly difficult, perplexing or dangerous situation” is the meaning in which it is pronounced as above. It may also be pronounced Pred-I-Kuh-Muh Nt, if used logically or philosophically. It has a word value of 18 in Scrabble.
    The listed meaning of predicament originated from the time period of 1580 – 1590, in Middle English. This then came from Late Latin’s praedicāmentum, which meant “Something predicated, assertive,” which was derivative of praedicāre.
    A sentence using predicament would look something like this: “My predicament was the result of rushed work and now I must start over.”.

    Fiesta – Fee-Es-Tuh
    This noun has two meanings, both of which are relevant. The first meaning is “Any festival or festive celebration.”. The second, “(in Spain and Latin America) a festive celebration of a religious holiday.”.
    This word is much more recent than the other words this week, as Fiesta originated in 1835-1845, in Americanism. This was deprived from Spanish, which was then taken from the Latin word fēsta.
    To use Fiesta in a sentence: “The fiesta I took part in on my vacation was a vivacious experience.”. This sentence does not apply to me, sadly.


  12. 1. Vacation:
    a) Definition- A period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday.
    b) Sentence – I wish I could go on a vacation to floreada.
    c) noun
    d) Origin – Middle English, Aglo-French, Latin, 1350-1400

    2. Vivacious:
    a) Definition – lively; animated; happy.
    b) Sentence – I was watching a movie, where I saw hog warts celebrating after wining a war but then they were sad about our loses.
    c) adjective
    d) Origin – 1635-1645

    3. Predicament:
    a) Definition – an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
    b) Sentence – I was in a predicament with my family a few years ago.
    c) noun
    d) Origin – Middle English, Late Latin, 1350-1400

    4. Fiesta
    a) Definition – any festival or festive celebration.
    b) Sentence – I am going to a fiesta in Mexico.
    c) noun
    d) Spanish, Latin, 1835-1845

  13. Thought of the Week-

    1) There are many ways in which I treat others with respect, but the main ones that come to mind are listening to them and acknowledging their ideas.
    2) I would rather not talk about this, so I will keep it brief. I often interrupt people, and I understand that is a sign of disrespect and I have been working on lowering the number of times I interrupt a person in a week.
    3) They spread the kindness! At least, that’s what I do.
    4) When people are not treated with respect, or more commonly treated with disrespect, they will often go on to become a disrespectful person themselves. Thus it is very important to respect all beings.
    5) The obvious choice would be my parents or another family member, but outside my family I would probably say Erynn or Kelsey.
    6) They, um, I guess I could say “deal” with me, and remind me to lower my volume at correct times. A few years ago when my bullying was severe, I talked to Erynn about ways I could stop the bullies, and she really helped me.


  14. T.O.T.W
    1) In what ways do you treat people with respect?
    I don’t judge people or treat people differently than the other. I try to be nice to everyone and not hurt anyone.
    2) Are there any ways in which you don’t?
    I don’t think that I am exactly ‘rude’ or don’t respect people, but if someone comes off as a rude/mean person as a first impression, I’ll tend to avoid them. And that is a bad thing that I do often.
    3) What happens when people are treated with respect?
    They gain confidence and feel less insecure about themselves, and they possibly will treat others with the same respect that they are given.
    4) How about when they are not treated with respect?
    Some people that aren’t respected very often, cannot respect others as they haven’t experienced respect themselves, and don’t know how to treat other people like that.

    5) Who is the most respectful person you know?
    I find my mum as the most respectful, as she had given up most of he career life to look after me and my siblings. And as it is only her that takes care of us, it’s a lot tougher for her but she still respects us.
    6) What makes them that way?
    go to 5.


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